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EXPLORING COMMUNITY-BASED PREVENTION & HEALING STRATEGIES: A Dialogue for African American and American Indian Community Advocates. ​Monday, November 19, 2012

This full-day exploration of solutions and strengths featured cultural exchange and dialogue, not just lectures. Examination of “adverse childhood experiences” (or early trauma) gave both individuals and communities new insights into their health disparities and negative outcomes. Such research as the ACE Study, brain development science, and what we know about resiliency can shift more thinking from blame to prevention. Here are the presentations:

1. Minnesota Community Resilience Partners

2. Promoting the Development of High-Risk Children

3. Community Strategies for Healing

© 2012 by MNCCC

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Minnesota Communities Caring for Children

d/b/a PCAMN, 709 University Ave, Suite 234, Saint Paul, MN 55104

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